I was pleased with myself for writing 550 words and 550 good words, too. But that puts me behind schedule on day two of NaNoWriMo. I need to have 3334 words down by the end of day two, which leaves me 2784 words short. I intend to catch up tomorrow, and I’m going to help myself out a bit. Yesterday, I shared a whole post on About Writing that detailed my experience of the first day. From now on, I will not be posting every day in so much detail.
Anyway, I started writing my 1st person story. My character is coming alive. Some parts of him are based on me, but this isn’t unusual for me, particularly at the beginning of my character’s journey. The more I write for my character, the more of their true self emerges. It’s as though my character begins the story wearing a disguise of me, and the more they are given the space to run by themselves across the page, the more the mask falls from them, revealing the true character underneath.
This is my process. I begin with a character, and my character has identifiable (to me or someone else) characteristics. But they soon become themselves. I’m eager to see how the experience of NaNoWriMo is going to influence my witting process, but so far, it hasn’t. It’s just speeding it up, probably too much. But we’ll see about that, too. So, I won’t be posting tomorrow, but I’ll make a few notes at the end of each writing day and post a few days in one go, maybe even a week.
I feel as though day two of NaNoWriMo was a success, despite still being behind. Wish me luck going forward – I wish all of you luck as you write your novels. Talk soon.